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HiFi Audio  Tips und viele Links zu Themen: Audio HiFi & Röhren, Schaltpläne, Bauteile, Literatur, ... Tips and hot links from audio HiFi, tubes, schemes, material, literature, ...

DIY Pages   OP Amp's    Class A Amp's   Class D & Soundprozessing  Software   DAC Project's   Headphone Amp's   Headphones   DIY materials   Potentiometers    Transformers    Capacitors   Cables   Distributors    Speakers, Headphones, Dealers   Austrian Shops  New Loudspeakers Technologies   Some other, Ear Trainings    Literature, Magazines, Events   Forums   SAT TV

My Audio Projects Meine Projekte My projects
My preferred Music
Peter Ratzenbeck
Ian Siegal
Links zu Musikseiten, ich ersuche um Mithilfe! Here I will create some hot links to interested music sites, please help me to fill this side!
Headphone Amp WNA MKII Audio Projekt - Kopfhörer Verstärker WNA MK II Audio Project - Headphone Amp WNA MKII
Headphones Meine Kopfhörersammlung My Headphones
Tuning Philips CD 650 - CD Player Tuning/Upgrade von meinen alten Philips CD 650 Player Tuning/Upgrade of my old Philips CD 650 Player
DIY Cables Selbstbau von HiFi Audio Kabeln DIY - cables for HiFi Audio
DIY Tips Tips rund um HiFi Audio Tips arround HiFi Audio DIY
AKG Q701
Fotos, später Testberichte vom AKG Q701 (auch K701, K702, K501, K271 MKII)
Pictures from AKG Q701 (K701, K702, K271MKII), later test reports too

Quick Link's: World Tube Audio Portal Get the information!
Graham Slee "green Solo" Headphone Amp

Nachricht an mich   hifiaudio [at] stockhammer [dot] at 
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Last modified: 28. April 2021 17:27:18.

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